Saturday, October 12, 2024

The Armour of God

You must put on the armour of God!

Only when you fully wear the armour of God will you be able to withstand the Devil’s evil tricks!

The purpose of the armour of God is to protect us against the destruction of our bodies and souls. Every Christian is in constant warfare against numerous powerful spiritual foes. These enemies will use all sorts of methods, plans and schemes to deceive, entrap, enslave and ruin the souls of men. 

“The thief comes only in order to steal, kill, and destroy.”  (Joh 10:10)

The enemy has power over all the world.

“They do not believe, because their minds have been kept in the dark by the evil god of this world. He keeps them from seeing the light shining on them, the light that comes from the Good News about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.” (2Co 4:4)

“We know that we belong to God even though the whole world is under the rule of the Evil One.” (1Jo 5:19)

Some of the enemy’s terrains are as follows.

  • The secular economic systems.
  • The secular political systems.
  • The secular education systems.
  • The secular-religious systems.

Without the armour of God, you will have no chance against the enemy.

“Put on the armour of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics of the devil. For our struggle is not with flesh and blood but with the principalities, with the powers, with the world rulers of this present darkness, with the evil spirits in the heavens. Therefore, put on the armour of God, that you may be able to resist on the evil day and, having done everything, to hold your ground.” (Eph 6:11-13)

“A branch cannot bear fruit by itself; it can do so only if it remains in the vine.”There is nothing in us that allows us to claim that we are capable of doing this work. The capacity we have comes from God.” (2Co 3:5)

In the same way you cannot bear fruit unless you remain in me.” (Joh 15:4)

“You can do nothing without me.” (Joh 15:5)

Our strength is in Christ, clothed with the armour of God.

You will need the complete armour of God, and the skill to use it.

“Take up the weapons of the Lord Jesus Christ, and stop paying attention to your sinful nature and satisfying its desires.” (Rom 13:14)

“Build up your strength in union with the Lord and by means of his mighty power.” (Eph 6:10)

“I have the strength to face all conditions by the power that Christ gives me.” (Phi 4:13)

“He is able to keep you from falling and to bring you faultless and joyful before his glorious presence.” (Jud 1:24)

“He is able, now and always, to save those who come to God through him, because he lives forever to plead with God for them. (Heb 7:25)

Put on the full armour of God!

The Belt of Truth – for there is no other truth than Christ.

The Breastplate of Righteousness – To protect our hearts from worshipping idols.

The Shoes of Peace – God gives both inner peace and outer peace, to guide our steps.

The Shield of Faith – to catch all the fiery arrows of the enemy that are aimed at our emotions.

The Helmet of Salvation – to protect our minds, so that we won’t think we can provide for our own salvation.

The Sword of the Spirit – it is our only offensive weapon.

The Robe of the Servant – because God always has the backs of His servants.

The Robe of the Prophet – to be able to speak God’s word, we must spend time on our knees.

The Robe of the Priest – because we are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, our true High Priest.

The Robe of the King – God wants us to have victory over the enemy.

Prepare yourselves for combat!

 When describing the armour of God, Paul referred to the armour of the heavy troops among the Greeks, those who were to sustain the most
powerful attacks, storming cities and breaching the city walls.

“The weapons we use in our fight are not the world’s weapons but God’s powerful weapons, which we use to destroy strongholds.” (2Co 10:4)

The armour of God that you must wear, is the same armour that God himself wears for battle.

“He will wear justice like a coat of armour and saving power like a helmet. He will clothe himself with the strong desire to set things right and to punish and avenge the wrongs that people suffer.” (Isa 59:17)

You will need much strength and courage to keep your post, stand your ground and continue in the station in which you are placed.

“Be strong and courageous! Let’s fight hard for our people and for the cities of our God. And may the LORD’s will be done!” (2Sa 10:12)

“Be alert, stand firm in the faith, be brave, be strong.” (1Co 16:13)

Remember these words of God, then you will not desert the army of Christ, nor its cause.

“Today you are going into battle. Do not be afraid of your enemies or lose courage or panic. The LORD your God is going with you, and he will give you victory.” (Deu 20:3-4)

So then, put on the full armour of God, starting with the Belt of Truth.

Next Page: – The Belt of Truth